person sitting on bench under tree

Why might someone feel lonely after taking the Refuge or Bodhisattva vow?

We are facing the aloneness of a journey only we can make for ourselves, also an alone-ness where there is nobody looking on and saying we are doing well, we are our own leader and follower – Guru and disciple – we have to do it ourselves, like growing up but on a cosmic scale.  Continue reading Why might someone feel lonely after taking the Refuge or Bodhisattva vow?

Where does Ngöndro – the traditional preliminary practices fit into the Awakened Heart Sangha?

Ngöndro in general means preliminary and in the context of Tibetan Buddhism often refers to the practice of the 4 x 100,000… In Tibet many people had a lot of time they could devote to Dharma practice so having the 4 x 100000 to accomplish gave them a goal and many people made it their main practice… Continue reading Where does Ngöndro – the traditional preliminary practices fit into the Awakened Heart Sangha?