Why do we recite long life prayers for teachers & why do we need to repeat them?

We pray for our personal teachers in particular to live long and for us to keep up as close a connection as possible with them by every means at our disposal, through this and through all our lifetimes working together forever to bring all beings to Awakening. This is about Mandala Principle. Continue reading Why do we recite long life prayers for teachers & why do we need to repeat them?

person sitting on bench under tree

Why might someone feel lonely after taking the Refuge or Bodhisattva vow?

We are facing the aloneness of a journey only we can make for ourselves, also an alone-ness where there is nobody looking on and saying we are doing well, we are our own leader and follower – Guru and disciple – we have to do it ourselves, like growing up but on a cosmic scale.  Continue reading Why might someone feel lonely after taking the Refuge or Bodhisattva vow?

woman with yellow eye shadow and blue lipsticks with eyes closed chin up

Striking the balance between feeling good about yourself and the ‘8 worldly dharmas’

This is not to say that it isn’t fun and even meaningful to dress well, to be liked, to be praised for what we do and so on. That could all be thought of as positive feedback that helps us communicate and be effective in the world. But if our confidence depends on things like that then sooner or later we are going to come unstuck Continue reading Striking the balance between feeling good about yourself and the ‘8 worldly dharmas’

Panic as a sign of insight & The Four Noble Truths in the Living the Awakened Heart Training

It is exactly how insight starts to develop – the panic reaction is as deep as samsara itself. There would be no samsara if there were no panic. Sometimes we let things get so close to the edge that the panic manifests as raw panic and we have to start working with the reality of that – not running away or trying to avoid it – it is the First Noble Truth of Dukkha Continue reading Panic as a sign of insight & The Four Noble Truths in the Living the Awakened Heart Training

woman washing her face with water

Don’t Just Leave Meditation on the Meditation Seat – How to Practise Daily Life Awareness

For example, as you wake up out of bed and open the curtains, you can be thinking this is like awakening from the sleep of ignorance. “May this day be one more step on the path of Awakening, may it awaken myself and others.” As you think and wish like this, note the space of awareness in which all your sense impressions are happening and in which all your thoughts and feelings are happening. Relax into that sense of space and waking up. Continue reading Don’t Just Leave Meditation on the Meditation Seat – How to Practise Daily Life Awareness

man in gray shirt looking at city buildings

The Natural Tension of the Heart Wish – Balancing Living in the World and Practising Dharma

A Student writes: My question relates to the Heart Wish – it struck me today that I often feel guilty about living so much in the world, socialising, listening to music, having fun. Although the guilt is just a thought, I still feel it needs exploring… Lama Shenpen responds: Yes, it does. It suggests you could do more to make socialising, listening to music and … Continue reading The Natural Tension of the Heart Wish – Balancing Living in the World and Practising Dharma

gold buddha figurine lot

Not Self – If the Self doesn’t exist what would motive people to meditate?

A student writes: If the self is non-existent, what motivates people to meditate and do things such as this training course? Lama Shenpen responds: Do I ever say that the self is non-existent? What the Buddha always taught was that what was impermanent, unsatisfactory and not as we wanted it, could not be the Self. The Self, in this context, is the one who wants … Continue reading Not Self – If the Self doesn’t exist what would motive people to meditate?