tibetan singing bowl in cozy room

How do we work with the Formless Meditation instructions ‘Wake, Heart, Open, Be’? Doesn’t using them just involve more thinking?

The instruction is not to focus on the heart, wake, open and be. The words are there to give you the co-ordinates as it were.  When you say “heart” or simply think of the word, for a fraction of a second you experience something… Continue reading How do we work with the Formless Meditation instructions ‘Wake, Heart, Open, Be’? Doesn’t using them just involve more thinking?

Training ourselves to appreciate simple pleasures that expand the heart

Spend time doing things that touch, move or expand your heart It may be simple things… Be conscious of how the whole experience feels – the joy in the heart and the sense of freedom and space to enjoy yourself. The sense of joy and freedom is coming from the chitta. – the essence of your being. Continue reading Training ourselves to appreciate simple pleasures that expand the heart

How to practise with the pain of a broken heart?

Let the pain in your heart open you to everyone – every living thing and let the pulse of life pulse through you and tell you that there is another way to be. It is the only solution. You cannot kill the life of your heart and you cannot get rid of the pain – you can only realise what it is, awaken to what it is. It is Bodhichitta – the Awakened Heart. Continue reading How to practise with the pain of a broken heart?