What does it mean to meet the Buddha ‘face to face’?

Another way of thinking of what meeting Buddhas face to face means is to actually break through the limitations of our present conception of time and space. The tradition says that this is actually possible and is a genuine experience that arises for the Bodhisattva at a certain stage of his or her progress towards Enlightenment. Continue reading What does it mean to meet the Buddha ‘face to face’?

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What’s the difference between passing experiences (nyams) and stable realisation?

There is no need to worry about having gained stability of full realisation or not because it does itself in its own time, and the signs of it are obvious – the important thing is to notice any instability and use it as a trigger of awareness. There are so many Dharma teachings to help with this. Continue reading What’s the difference between passing experiences (nyams) and stable realisation?

How does imagination fit into the process of reflection and meditation?

When we try in an ego-centric way – or manipulate our experience to be what we think it should be – then it’s kind of aggressive, ambitious and pushy. But when we are simply playing in the openness of awareness – trying things out in a relaxed and gentle way that feels really alive and kind of beautiful… Continue reading How does imagination fit into the process of reflection and meditation?