Article: What is Adhistana? How do we connect and open to Openness, Clarity & Sensitivity?

The Mahayana Buddhist tradition teaches that the three inseparable qualities of Openness, Clarity and Sensitivity are actually the nature of the Universe itself. It is true, up to a point, that we have only our own Openness, Clarity and Sensitivity to rely on, but actually our Buddha Nature is not some kind of isolated entity separate from the Universe and everyone else’s Buddha Nature. Continue reading Article: What is Adhistana? How do we connect and open to Openness, Clarity & Sensitivity?

Tibetan Buddhism UK offerings Female Buddhist teacher Lama Shenpen Hookham

As well as the traditional shrine offerings of incense, candles etc, can we make offerings of our experience?

Thinking of the experiences as an offering to Awakening or the Dharma, is to invite its adhistana. The offering is made in the state of meditation. We rest in the spaciousness of letting go of grasping at things as somehow ‘solid’. Continue reading As well as the traditional shrine offerings of incense, candles etc, can we make offerings of our experience?

Why do Buddhists recite Liturgy – prayers, chanting etc – and how can we best relate to that?

There are many benefits of reciting liturgy. One important benefit is that as we focus on the words and meaning, even just intuitively without really understanding them, our attention is naturally drawn to a single point and stabilizes. The more the words speak to our heart the easier it is to focus on them, because we are being drawn towards their significance. Continue reading Why do Buddhists recite Liturgy – prayers, chanting etc – and how can we best relate to that?

Long Read Part 1: What is a Pure Land? And Why pray to be reborn there?

First of all we need to know what a Pure Land is and what it means. Eventually we learn that the pure land is nothing other than our true nature. The pure land manifests in the heart when we realise that our true nature is our Buddha nature. So why call this a pure land? Why a place? We are Buddha nature. We are expressions of Buddha nature so why talk about it as if it were a Pure Land? Eventually it’s a matter of seeing this world we are in now as being the Pure Land. Continue reading Long Read Part 1: What is a Pure Land? And Why pray to be reborn there?

How should we approach online Dharma teachings and downloaded texts?

These days we surf the net and find a likely looking Dharma website and feel that parting with even a few hundred pounds is to take a risk, since who knows who the people are and what they’re are up to. So often it is with suspicion and scepticism that we embark on a course and the practice, hardly knowing what to expect and wondering if this is yet another internet scam.
Hardly the best way to approach the holy teachings! Continue reading How should we approach online Dharma teachings and downloaded texts?

Buddhist water offering bowls meaning

What do the bowls of water on a shrine represent?

There are many other ways that we can show our appreciation and respect in the shrine room as well as in practice situations by gestures of honouring and appreciation as we encounter the sacred. One way to do this is to place gifts on your shrine. We use the Tibetan tradition that comes from India of offering seven or eight bowls of water. Continue reading What do the bowls of water on a shrine represent?

Article: Mantra and Meditation Practice

Uttering the words, especially if you do it with openness and conviction, links or tunes you into the power and presence of the lineage. The lineage is the power line through which the truth comes to us. It is important to recognise that the mantra recitation practice is not about ‘doing’ anything. It is more a matter of linking and relaxing into a power that is already there.” Continue reading Article: Mantra and Meditation Practice